Globally, nearly 80% of wastewater is returned to the environment untreated. At the same the number of people living in extreme water scarce regions will approach 2 billion by 2025. Businesses operate and source in these regions and rely on water for operations (cleaning, ingredient, cooling, etc) and even transit. But as climate impacts accelerate, companies everywhere will face water stress and potential operational and supply disruptions. CDP reports that of those businesses that recognize water as a risk, just over half track water targets. Many more companies face water risk yet remain unaware of its severity. In this session, you’ll learn the basics for understanding and assessing your own water uses, impacts and risks. We’ll explore the drivers for taking action addressing water challenges and what the value proposition is. Whether your organization is water intensive or not, chances are you will face a water challenge at some point in value chain soon. There is a water crisis everywhere, everyday. This session will expand your risk radar and prepare you for action.