SPRING 2025:  April 22-24, 2025 –  Lost Pines, TX  |  FALL 2025:  September 15-17, 2025 – Tucson, AZ 

Ask the Expert: Patricia Laskowsky, General Motors

Do you have a burning industry-related question you want answered? Join Patricia Laskowsky, Global Technical Specialist at General Motors for an open Q&A in the Energy Hub. This is an excellent platform for like-minded customers to collaborate on challenges and discuss new topics.

Spotlight Session: The Current State of Voluntary Carbon Markets

Many organizations seek to offset a portion of their emissions by buying carbon offsets in voluntary carbon markets – at least until they can find other more direct ways to abate their emissions. However, 2023 saw significant upheaval in this sector, with some high-profile failures and a general acknowledgement that the current approach must improved […]

Ask the Experts Wrap Up Session

This lively “Ask the Experts” session will close the event. It’s a great opportunity to raise questions and discuss issues that arise during the Forum. Bring your questions and comments – for the experts and the audience.

One-to-One Meetings*

Conduct 1:1 meetings with experienced energy suppliers that have been pre-evaluated for their expertise and availability. *1:1 Meeting Participants only; not available to General Attendees

One-to-One Meetings*

Conduct 1:1 meetings with experienced energy suppliers that have been pre-evaluated for their expertise and availability. *1:1 Meeting Participants only; not available to General Attendees

Peer-to-Peer Report Out

A panel of energy customers will report on challenges and opportunities discussed during the Peer-to-Peer session.

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